Join the fun and fellowship of the New Mexico Gourd Society!
Membership in the New Mexico Gourd Society entitles you to:
Your personal gourd art webpage on the NMGS Artist Gallery,
Attend monthly workshops/classes, demonstrations, lectures by artists/growers,
Learn new techniques for working with gourds,
Meet New Mexico gourd growers and learn growing techniques,
Access to how-to articles, featured artists/growers, local meeting reports,
advertising, class schedules and suppliers,
Fast track to current and popular classes, gourd books, publications, suppliers
and growers,
Connections with gourders in your area, members of the AGS, and other State
Participation in Gourd festivals (gourd art competition/displays/sales, raw gourd
sales, supplies, classes, demonstrations),
Association with gourd shows and competitions in other states, and
Opportunities to show your gourd art and teach techniques at craft fairs,
MGS-sponsored meetings and festival.
Click here to download membership application
New Mexico Gourd Society Membership Dues $15 year
Membership Application Form.
Renewal ______________ New Member____________________________
City, State, Zipcode _____________________________________________-
Contact Phone________________________________________________
E Mail Address___________________________________________________
Send your check, along with the completed Membership Application, to:
New Mexico Gourd Society
Albuquerque, NM 87114